Tools Used By LWBJO

Lawyers Without Borders utilizes all legitimate, available and legal means to achieve its vision, mission, and goals. Of those tools used are the following:

  • Developing and submitting reports on human rights situations to relevant committees, organizations and bodies and publishing them.
  • Submitting complaints and petitions about human rights violations to the related authorities.
  • Conducting legal studies and research related to the goals and objectives of the organization.
  • Training activists and relevant people on human rights issues.
  • Declaring legal positions related to human rights issues or humanitarian cases and issuing statements accordingly.
  • Holding lectures, seminars, conferences and specialized workshops related to the goals of the organization and participating in similar activities.
  • Issuing periodic and non-periodic reports and bulletins.
  • Contributing to TV, radio programs, seminars, and dialogues and in preparing press materials.
  • Exchanging information and experiences with local and Arab organizations, as well as regional and international institutions.
  • Developing recommendations and submitting proposals for safeguarding human rights and fundamental freedoms.
  • Conducting annual reviews of activities, implementation, follow-up, evaluation and planning for future work.
  • Issuing policy papers, legal and legislative position, and analysis on all human rights issues.
  • Providing legal and judicial assistance to groups that are most vulnerable to abuse and contributing to the development of policies and legislations in this regard.